Legal Resources

 General legal information
Information server and database about legal regulations related to Internet (Ribas & Rodríguez)
Wassenaar Treaty
Ley 32/2003, 3rd November, General de Telecomunicaciones.
Real Decreto 424/2005, 15th April.
 Computer Felony
Spanish Penal Code - Full text of the Ley Orgánica 10/1995
Spanish Penal Code - Ammendment to the Ley Orgánica 11/1999
LEY ORGÁNICA 15/2003, 25th November. Ammendment to the Ley Orgánica 10/1995, of Spanish Penal Code
Ley Orgánica 5/2010, 22nd June. Ammendment to the Ley Orgánica 10/1995, of Spanish Penal Code
Conuncil of Europe - Draft Convention on Cyber-crime
Ratification of the Europe Convention on Cyber-crime, Budapest 23rd November 2001.
eGovernment Law 11/2007, 22nd June
National Security Framework - ENS
National Interoperability Framework - ENI
 Data Protection
Real Decreto 1720/2007, 21st December, that approves the reglament of the development of the Ley Organica 15/1999, 13 December, for the Protection of Personal Data.
Ley Orgánica 15/1999, 13 December, for the Protection of Personal Data.
Real Decreto-Ley 994/1999, 11 June, with the reglament for security measures in the automated files containing personal data.
The EU Data Protection Act
Directive 2002/58/CE issued by the European Parliament and Council, 12 July 2002, concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the Electronic Communications Sector (Directive on privacy and electronic communications). Incorporated in the spanish law by Ley General de Telecomunicaciones
Directive 95/46/CEissued by the European Parliament and Council on 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.
 Data Retention
Law 25/2007, 18th October, about Electronic communication and public communication networks data retention.
Ley General de Comunicaciones 32/2003, 3er November. (Titulo III)
A Guide for the Exporter of Double Use Goods
Cryptography and Liberty: An International Survey of Encryption Policy
 Digital signature
Directive 1999/93/CE of the European Parliament defining an European framework for digital signatures
Real Decreto-Ley 14/1999, 17 September, on digital signature
Ley 59/2003, de 19 December on digital signature
Directive 99/5/CE. Normalization and Technical Certification
National laws on Internet and digital signatures. Mantained by the Secretaría de Estado de Telecomunicaciones y para la Sociedad de la Información
Ley 34/2002,11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI).
 Software piracy
BSA International
BSA Spain
 Other links
Páginas sobre legislación d el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología
Spanish Agency for Data Protection
European Commision. Media, Information Society and Data Protection.
Spanish Police. Investigation Technology Brigade
Computer Crime Group. Guardia Civil
RAND Europe - CSIRT project
ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency)