400 ICT experts from universities and research centres are set to take part in the RedIRIS Technical Conference

This event is organised in conjunction with the University of Valladolid

Next 30 November and 1 December, RedIRIS will be holding its 22nd Technical Conference at the Conde Ansúrez Conference Centre in the University of Valladolid. The event will be attended by 400 experts and ICT managers from Spanish universities, regional networks and research centres, who will exchange information and experiences. Sixteen sponsor companies will also be taking part in the conference.

The official opening of RedIRIS will be marked with an institutional event at 10 am on 30 November, which will be chaired by Guiomar Martín, Vice-chancellor of Economics at the University of Valladolid, who will share the table with Juan Junquera, Secretary of State for Telecommunications and the Information Society at the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade; Carlos Martínez Riera, General Director for International Co-operation and Institutional Relations at the Ministry of Science and Innovation; Ángel de los Ríos Rodicio, Director General of Universities and Research for the Government of Castilla y León; and a representative from Valladolid City Council. The issues to be debated in this encounter particularly include the implementation of the RedIRIS-NOVA, the new national scientific and university community communications network which will enable the pursuit of new challenges for applications and services for researchers. Other topics of debate concern energy efficiency, new mobile devices, cloud services, IPv6 and e-administration.

All the Technical Conference sessions will be streamed on http://www.rediris.es.

As usual, this encounter will be preceded by the RedIRIS working groups, which will be held in the same location on 28 and 29 November.

For further information: http://www.rediris.es/jt/jt2011/