More than 100 experts have participated in the 9th RedIRIS Security Forum on Cloud Computing
The event was organised in collaboration with the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
RedIRIS has organised its 9th Security Forum, held on 9 and 10 March in Valencia, in collaboration with the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia The key theme was Cloud Computing, a new security model for protecting networks, servers, storage, applications and services.
This year, as in previous editions, more than 100 technicians and security managers in institutions affiliated to RedIRIS took part in the Security Forum to share information and experiences.
The inauguration, which took place on 9 March in the Main Lecture Hall of the Higher Technical School of Construction Engineering at the UPV, was presided over by Vicente Juan Botti, Vice Chancellor for the Development of Information and Communications at the UPV, and Tomás de Miguel, the Director of RedIRIS, who introduced the theme of the forum.
The first talk was given by Ramón Martín Miralles, from the Autoritat Catalana de Protecció de Dades (Catalan Data Protection Agency), who talked about the security and regulatory compliance of Cloud Computing. Following this, Eduard Chaveli Donet (GESDATOS), talked about legal aspects of Cloud Computing with reference to Google and Microsoft products; and lastly, Francisco J. Gómez and Carlos J. Díaz explained the benefits of the DNS in relation to malware.
The forum continued with contributions from speakers such as Javier Fontán (UCM), Antonio David Pérez (RedIRIS), Diego Lopez (RedIRIS), Antonio Villalón (S2 Grupo) and José Picó, who raised a number of issues relating to Cloud Computing such as Cloud security, trust in web service environments, externalisation with SIR_ RedIRIS identity federation service_, security inside and outside the cloud and mobile access to the cloud.
The event concluded with a roundtable, the theme of which was “Living in the clouds”; it was moderated by Miguel Macías (UPV), with the participation of Paúl Santapau (UJI), Francesc Rovirosa (UOC) and Jordi Guijarro (CESCA).
Since 2003, the RedIRIS Security Forum has been held in the premises of centres affiliated to RedIRIS, which collaborate in the organisation of the event. The first forum was held at the Pablo Olavide University in Seville and since then it has been held at the universities of Santiago de Compostela, Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, the university of the Basque Country in San Sebastian, the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands in Puerto de la Cruz, the Catalan Supercomputing Centre in Barcelona and the University of Castile-La Mancha, in Ciudad Real, and the Autonomous University of Madrid.
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