TERENA invites you to register for this year’s TERENA Networking Conference (TNC 2009), which will take place in Málaga, Spain, from 8-11 June. A discount is available for anyone who registers before 10 April. You can register online or using a downloadable form (pdf). Students can apply to attend the conference free of charge: following the success of a pilot scheme last year, a limited number of free registration places will be available for bona fide postgraduate students from relevant fields. Student applications can be made online only. Information about all registration options is available on http://tnc2009.terena.org/register/.
June is the peak season for visitors to Málaga, so TERENA cordially urges potential participants to take advantage of early registration and to book a hotel soon. Selected hotels are available at a special conference rate for early registrants. Information about hotels, costs and how to book is available on the local conference organiser's website, http://tnc09.unicongress.org/.
Virtuality into Reality
It has become increasingly common to use networks and software to emulate physical world entities. This has allowed many of the constraints of physical and geographical space to be removed. Many people now conduct their social and business lives through online, virtual worlds. TNC 2009 will focus on the technologies and applications involved in this change, examining the following areas: users and applications, virtual people, virtual technology, implications, support infrastructure.
The keynote speakers will be Jorge Cortell of Kanteron Systems, Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Bill St. Arnaud of CANARIE Inc., William E. Johnston of ESnet, Paul Watson of Newcastle University and Simone Brunozzi of Amazon.com.
The full preliminary programme is now available online at http://tnc2009.terena.org/schedule/.
We hope to see you in Málaga!