Student poster presentations at Terena Networking Conference 2011

The Conference theme, which will take place in Praga, is “Enabling Communities”

For the 3rd year in a row, TNC, Conference organizad by TERENA, is offering students the opportunity to attend the TNC free-of-charge, by submitting a poster related to the conference theme, which this year is "enabling communities". Ten students will be selected to receive free admission to the conference, sponsored by Cisco, and to present their poster at the conference and online. The best student poster will receive an award at the end of the conference.

This promotion is open to all bona-fide students from relevant fields, and ends on 30 April.

The TERENA Networking Conference (TNC) is the largest and most prestigious European research networking conference (over 500 participants including decision makers, networking specialists and managers from all major European networking and research organisations, universities, worldwide sister institutions and industry representatives attend).


Through keynote speeches by renowned specialists, as Diego Lopez, responsible of Middleware and Applications Area in RedIRIS (spanish NREN), and many parallel sessions, the Conference presents an overview of the latest developments in research networking, both in the technical field and in the areas of application and management.

The TNC2011 will be hosted by the Czech National Research and Education Network (CESNET) and held in the picturesque, UNESCO World Heritage listed city of Prague in Czech Republic from 16 - 19 May 2011.

More information in: and in Facebook.