Processors in


Webber processor, version 2.1

Incorporates variables into page templates.
This program must run inside Webber.

It subsitutes in the variable defined by #webbo.dst any ocurrence of tags of
the form: <var name="WEBBER-VARIABLE" /> for the value of the Webber variable
identified by the tag. The original value for the destination variables is
taken from the contents of the elements identified by #webbo.src.
Webbo must be used as (one of) the first processor(s).

Webbo uses the following Webber variables:

 #webbo.src: Defines a list of sources to be used for reading source
             The format of a source specification is:   CLASS:NAME

             Where CLASS can be either:
             "var" (the source is a Webber variable), 
             "file" (the source is a file) or 
             "eval" (the source is a file whose name is obtained when evaluating NAME),
             and NAME identifies the source.

             If no source is specified, #wbbIn (equivalent to
             "#webbo.src = var:wbbIn") is used.

 #webbo.dst: Defines the destination of Webbo processing. If no destination is
             specified, #wbbOut (equivalent to "#webbo.dst = wbbOut") is used.

 Any other:  Any other variable referred in a <var /> tag, subsituting the
             tag for the variable value in #wbbOut.

Webbo modifies the following Webber variables:
 Any defined by #webbo.dst (by default, #wbbOut), using the values of the
 sources defined by #webbo.src, and substituting the values of variables
 identified inside <var/> tags.