Processors in


Webber processor, version 1.0
Prepends a TOC to an HTML page.
This progran must run inside Webber.
It modifies the following Webber variables:
 #wbbOut:      The TOC is appended and, depending of the value of
               #maketoc.ispre, the value of #wbbIn (modified with the anchors
               of the TOC) is also appended.
 #wbbIn:       Remains unchanged (if #maketoc.ispre is not set to 1). 
               Updated to contain the anchors of the TOC (if #maketoc.ispre is
               set to 1).
 #maketoc.TOC: Holds the TOC generated by the processor.

Depending on the value of #maketoc.ispre, it may be used as (one of) the last
pre-processor(s) (for #maketoc.ispre=1), or as (one of) the first processor(s)
(for #maketoc.ispre=0).

Maketoc uses the following Webber variables:

 #maketoc.ispre:  If set to 1, the anchors of the TOC are included by modifying
                  #wbbIn. Otherwise, the anchors are included in a copy of 
                  #wbbIn that is appended to #wbbOut after the TOC.
 #maketoc.pretoc: Text included before the TOC
 #maketoc.postoc: Text included after the TOC
 #maketoc.number: If set to 1, numbers are automatically inserted into the TOC
                  and the headers.
 #maketoc.tags:   A blank-separated list of the tags used for building the TOC.
                  Order is important, since the first tag will be considered of
                  level 1, the second tag of level 2, and so on.
 #maketoc.preN:   Text to be prepended for TOC entries of level N.
 #maketoc.postN:  Text to be appended for TOC entries of level N.
 #maketoc.anchor: A text to be added to the contents of the TOC anchors
By default, the following values are assumed:

 #maketoc.ispre:  0
 #maketoc.pretoc: <h1><center>Table of Contents</center></h1></a><hr><p>

 #maketoc.postoc: <hr><p>

 #maketoc.number: 0
 #maketoc.tags:   H1
 #maketoc.anchor: <p><a href="#TOC">Contents</a><br>