Processors in

This module includes macros to include files
in the source files, so you don't need to copy the
information in the wbb source.
The macros included in this release are:

if using the Macros::macro processor.
* #dir( ), 	This is an automatic directory include 
  macro  "#dir(realpath,webserverpath,regex)"  would be 
  expanded with a list of files that matched the regex
  (regex in perl code)

  It will use the use "fileindex.txt" in the realpath directory
  to obtain a description of each file, the format of this file 
  is filename: description.

  This processor modifies by defaults wbbin, but this can be
  change using the variable " and setting this to wbbout

* #includefile ( ) include a txt file in the , three arguments,
  #includefile(file,search,replace), file is the file to include,
  search and replace are regex to be used, to replace text in
  the file. file is HTMLEncoded. (by default) to avoid problems
  with HTML TAGS.

* #includecode() , like includefile, but the file is included without
  any chnage (usuful for including HTML or other language code.

* #listfrom file() , include a txt file, similar to #includefile,
  but include the information in a file.
* #tablefromcsv(), create a table (type 2,, 
  receive up to four arguments, CSV file, fields to print (numeric,
  separated by ":" , and a search / replace expression

* #printindex(indexfile), print an index based on the information 

* #servar (Var, value), set the value of var variable to a new value
* #var(var) ,put in the putput the value of var.

* #indexdir(type,webber_vars) produces an HTML listing (directory, based
  in subdirectories and the contents of some webber vars, it requires two arguments
  type: can be ul, ol, dt, (the three type of HTML lists.
  webber_var is a list of webber vars to put.

  This processors parses the wbbdir.cfg files in a group of subdirectories and produces
  the HTML listing , see the documentation 
* #execute: Execute a list webber modules,

Using the Macros::AddIndex

 AddIdex: Add an entry to an index files, this is executed on
        each page that we want to be part of the index.
- Makeindex: Read the index file and generate the HTML output.

What's an index ?
        An index is a filename that contains information about
the webbered pages, it's deffined as follow: indexname [simple, duplicates] = file = Key to add to the index = value to add

Note: For key and value , you can use any text or the
value of a webber variable (for example (Page))

For example , assuming that all the webber pages contains an
#owner variable, we can have an index showing the owner of
each page . owner
#index.owner.type= simple
#index.owner.file = (REPOSITORIO/WWW/aux/index.owner.idx)
#index.owner.key = (urlpage)
#index.ownervalue = owner

 If we want to have an index listing the owner of the pages
as the key.

How to use this processor.

1.  Add the Index::AddIndex to the list of processor to be running
with webber.