Neuro-Vision & Critical Syst.

Información sobre


Creada/actualizada: 03/02/2000

Neuroscience, Artificial Vision, and Critical Systems Groups (Universidad de Granada) This mailing list provides information about professional positions (companies or Academia), post-docs, and PhD grants; conferences and workshops, special issues about any of the topics related with the research field (detailed below); any other relevant information. The main research topics are:

  • Neuroscience, bio-inspired systems, neuromorphic engineering, adaptation, automation and control.
  • Artificial vision, real-time implementation, image processing, virtual and augmented reality, or 3-D mapping and reconstruction.
  • Safety critical systems, embedded systems, FPGAs, DSPs, ASICs.

Política de la lista:

  • Subscripción: Moderada


  • Envio de mensajes: Privado (sólo los miembros de la lista)


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